tha mozt retard'd coin on Solana




jek seli iz a soldiur, a hesart of ol tre. he iz da bravesst of sooldiurs, fietin for da love of neytiri and da land of pandora. jek iz da won whoz reechin for da stahz, ridin on da banshees, n defyin da skiees. join him in da battul against da greedi humans n da savaj na'vi traiturs. let ur arrows fly in suport of jek in hiz quest to protekt pandora from da destroctiv foors. $jeksully is da chosun wun, da heru of pandora, da savior of da fowrests. rise up, join da fight, n show ur supporrt for jek in da battul for da fuutur of pandora!


lp burn


- Dive intu Avatarr's vivid wurld.

- Join da battle against human exploitashun.

- Struggl, sacrific, but gain nuttin.

- Reach journey's end, empty-hand'd, or mayhap, brainliss.
